Linley Chai

Music Educator, Australia | Festival Director of The Miri Tutti Project
Mirian based in Queensland, Australia

Linley is a music educator currently serving communities in Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, Australia as well as her hometown, Miri, Malaysia.

She received her Bachelor of Music in Performance with distinction majoring in the harp from the Queensland Conservatorium. To further her passion for education, Linley has continuously sought professional training in piano, string instruments, music theory and their respective pedagogy over the past decade. In addition to her private studio, Linley teaches and directs ensembles at several schools in the South East Queensland region. She also dedicates time to assist the Sunshine Coast Youth Orchestra with administrative duties.

As a harpist, Linley has performed orchestrally with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra, Queensland Youth Symphony and the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra. She was appointed a concerto soloist in her final year of study at the Queensland Conservatorium, and was a teaching assistant at the 2019 Hong Kong Harpy Summer Camp.

Since leaving Malaysia for further studies, Linley has tremendously enjoyed her own learning adventure. In 2014, she founded the Miri Tutti Project to share the resources and amazing people she has stumbled upon with the music communities in and around her hometown. The main project activity is an annual music camp where national and international professionals are invited to work with local students and teachers through progressive ensemble programs, workshops as well as professional development programs. With current Covid travel restrictions, the Miri Tutti Project has been placed on hold, with plans of returning as soon as physically and socioeconomically suitable.

Linley continues to explore and learn from successful models of music education around the world in order to better contribute to and empower the community around her.

Project(s) Collaborated On:
Insider’s Spotlight Episode 6 | Sarawak Band Virtual Rebuilding Programme 2021


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Linley Png

Linley is a music educator currently serving communities in Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, Australia as well as her hometown, Miri, Malaysia.

She received her Bachelor of Music in Performance with distinction majoring in the harp from the Queensland Conservatorium. To further her passion for education, Linley has continuously sought professional training in piano, string instruments, music theory and their respective pedagogy over the past decade. In addition to her private studio, Linley teaches and directs ensembles at several schools in the South East Queensland region. She also dedicates time to assist the Sunshine Coast Youth Orchestra with administrative duties.

As a harpist, Linley has performed orchestrally with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra, Queensland Youth Symphony and the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra. She was appointed a concerto soloist in her final year of study at the Queensland Conservatorium, and was a teaching assistant at the 2019 Hong Kong Harpy Summer Camp.

Since leaving Malaysia for further studies, Linley has tremendously enjoyed her own learning adventure. In 2014, she founded the Miri Tutti Project to share the resources and amazing people she has stumbled upon with the music communities in and around her hometown. The main project activity is an annual music camp where national and international professionals are invited to work with local students and teachers through progressive ensemble programs, workshops as well as professional development programs. With current Covid travel restrictions, the Miri Tutti Project has been placed on hold, with plans of returning as soon as physically and socioeconomically suitable.

Linley continues to explore and learn from successful models of music education around the world in order to better contribute to and empower the community around her.

Project(s) Collaborated On:
Insider’s Spotlight Episode 6 | Sarawak Band Virtual Rebuilding Programme 2021


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